Proform Hybrid Trainer Reviews

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer – a revolutionary piece of fitness equipment that seamlessly combines the best of both worlds! Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to get started on your health journey, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer has something special to offer.

ProForm Hybrid Trainer
ProForm Hybrid Trainer (PFEL03721)
  • 30-day, full-access membership to iFIT;
  • Weight Capacity 250 lbs;
  • Stride Length: 15 inches;
  • 16 Resistance Levels;
  • 5-year frame warranty

This versatile machine is designed to give you the ultimate cardio and strength training experience, all in one sleek package. Say goodbye to cluttered workouts and the need for multiple machines; the Hybrid Trainer is here to streamline your fitness routine and propel you toward your goals like never before. Let’s explore the features, benefits and user experience that make the Hybrid Trainer an exceptional choice for fitness enthusiasts of all levels.

So, let’s take a look at Proform Hybrid Trainer Reviews.

Key Features:

The ProForm Hybrid Trainer boasts a range of key features that set it apart as an exceptional fitness machine. Here are some of its standout attributes:

  • 2-in-1 design: One of the most outstanding features of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is its 2-in-1 design, combining an elliptical trainer with a recumbent bike. This versatility allows users to switch between low-impact, full-body workouts on the elliptical and more focused, comfortable cycling sessions to accommodate different fitness preferences and varying levels of intensity.
  • Adjustable stride length: The elliptical mode on the Hybrid Trainer features an adjustable stride length. This feature is especially beneficial for multi-user households, as it allows individuals of varying heights to find their ideal stride length for a more personalized and effective workout.
  • Silent Magnetic Resistance: The Hybrid Trainer utilizes a silent magnetic resistance system, providing users with a smooth and quiet workout experience. Whether you’re working out early in the morning or late at night, you can exercise without disturbing others around you.
  • Built-in workout programs: To keep your fitness routine fresh and engaging, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer comes with a variety of built-in workout programs. These programs are designed by fitness experts and target different fitness goals such as weight loss, cardio, interval training and more.
  • Interactive Console: The unit features an interactive console that displays key workout metrics, including time, distance, pace, heart rate, and calories burned. This real-time feedback allows you to track your progress and adjust your efforts accordingly to maximize results.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: The ProForm Hybrid Trainer includes handgrip heart rate sensors so you can monitor your heart rate throughout your workout. Alternatively, it is compatible with wireless heart rate monitors for even more accurate readings.
  • Comfortable seat and handles: The recumbent mode features a comfortable, padded seat and supportive handles for a comfortable and ergonomic workout. This is especially beneficial for those with lower back issues or those seeking a more relaxed cardio option.
  • iFit Compatibility: Many versions of the ProForm Hybrid are iFit compatible. This means you can access a vast library of interactive, instructor-led workouts, virtually experience scenic routes from around the world, and participate in global fitness challenges, adding an extra layer of motivation to your fitness journey.
  • Space-saving design: Despite its versatility, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is designed to save space, making it an excellent choice for those with limited workout space or home gyms.

These key features combine to make the ProForm Hybrid Trainer a remarkable fitness machine that caters to a variety of fitness needs and skill levels, ensuring a challenging, enjoyable and effective workout every time you use it.

Who’s Good For

For fitness enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive workout that targets different muscle groups and provides a cardio challenge, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is an ideal choice. With its adjustable stride length in elliptical mode, users can customize their workout to suit their height and exercise preferences, ensuring a more comfortable and effective session.

ProForm Hybrid Trainer reviews

Individuals recovering from injuries or dealing with joint issues can benefit greatly from the Hybrid Trainer’s recumbent bike mode. The comfortable seat and supportive handles minimize stress on the lower back and joints, making it a safer option for those with physical limitations. The silent magnetic resistance also allows for gentle, low-impact cycling that helps maintain cardiovascular health without putting undue strain on sensitive areas.

Key Characteristics

Dimensions L x W x H 49 x 25.2 x 17.3 inches
Package Weight 117 lbs
Material Alloy Steel
Weight Capacity 250 lbs
Resistance Levels 16
Built in Programs 16 (8 bike + 8 elliptical)
Performance Monitor Mileage, speed, calories burned, heart rate, and duration
Warranty 5-year frame, 90-days parts and labor

Assembly Video & Manual

Once you get the ProForm Hybrid Trainer Elliptical you will be able to assemble it quite easily even by yourself. But if you have an assistant, it will noticeably speed up the process. The instructions are reportedly clear and easy to follow. You won’t need any complicated tools or equipment.

It should take you no more than two hours to fully assemble and customize the equipment to your height and other parameters. If you have any doubts that you might not be able to handle it, you can order delivery with assembly.

PDF Proform Hybrid Trainer Manual

Choice Parameters

Review the main parameters and characteristics important for making a buying decision. Let’s focus on the most important ones for most buyers. We will take into account the questions in the previously collected reviews, as well as the opinions of those who bought and use this equipment for home training.


The ProForm Hybrid Trainer is designed with space-saving efficiency in mind, making it a fantastic choice for home gyms and limited workout areas. The machine’s dimensions contribute to its compact and versatile nature. Typically, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer has a length of around 70.5 inches (179 cm), a width of approximately 24.5 inches (62 cm), and a height of roughly 60.5 inches (154 cm). These measurements allow the Hybrid Trainer to fit comfortably into most home gyms or exercise spaces without overwhelming the room.

ProForm Hybrid Trainer Elliptical size

To install the ProForm Hybrid Trainer, you’ll need to ensure that you have sufficient clearance around the equipment for safe and comfortable usage. It is recommended to allocate a workout area with dimensions slightly larger than the machine’s overall size to accommodate ease of access and movement during workouts. As a general guideline, consider leaving at least 2 feet of free space on each side of the Hybrid Trainer and a minimum of 6 feet in front of the machine to allow for the full range of motion when using the elliptical mode.

Additionally, it’s essential to check the height clearance of your chosen installation location to accommodate overhead movements while using the elliptical handlebars. This ensures that you can fully enjoy all the features and benefits of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer without any hindrance. By adhering to these space requirements, you can create an optimal and safe workout environment, maximizing the potential of this versatile fitness machine while maintaining a harmonious balance with your available space.


The main gist of the information about the possibility of using exercise programs on the ProForm Hybrid Trainer XT is that the machine is designed to be used with the iFit fitness platform. When you purchase the product, you get a 30-day free trial of the iFit family membership. However, once the trial period is over, you need to pay for an iFit subscription to continue using the machine.


The latest version of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer XT no longer has any pre-programmed workouts on the console, and some users report that the machine may not be usable without an iFit subscription. Though there have been attempts to override the iFit requirement, this method may not be successful for everyone.

It’s important to consider the ongoing cost of the iFit subscription when factoring the overall price of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer XT. Subscribing to iFit grants access to a wide range of live and on-demand workouts on the platform, but the fees for the membership will be continuous for continued use.

Working Out

The ProForm Hybrid Trainer offers a myriad of training possibilities, making it an all-in-one fitness solution for a wide range of goals. With its 2-in-1 design, users can engage in both elliptical training and recumbent bike workouts, targeting various muscle groups and fitness objectives.

  • Cardiovascular Endurance: The elliptical mode on the ProForm Hybrid Trainer provides a low-impact, full-body cardiovascular workout. This helps improve heart health, lung capacity, and overall endurance. By engaging the arms, legs, and core simultaneously, users can burn calories efficiently and boost their stamina.
  • Leg Muscles: Both the elliptical and recumbent bike modes heavily target the leg muscles. The elliptical motion works the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, while the recumbent bike emphasizes the quadriceps and hamstrings even more. This comprehensive leg training can contribute to stronger and toned lower body muscles.
  • Upper Body Strength: The elliptical mode incorporates handlebars that involve the upper body during the workout. This contributes to toning the arms, shoulders, and back, providing a well-rounded upper body workout along with the cardiovascular benefits.
  • Core Engagement: During elliptical training, the core muscles work to stabilize the body and maintain proper posture. This helps strengthen the abdominal and oblique muscles, enhancing core stability and overall balance.
  • Low-Impact Option: The recumbent bike mode offers a comfortable and low-impact exercise option, which is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from injuries.

Usage and Ergonomics

Our colleague John has been using this Elliptical for almost a year now and we asked him to share his opinion. Here is the feedback we received.

Oh, let me tell you about my experience with the ProForm Hybrid Trainer! First off, I must say, the usability of this fitness machine is fantastic. The fact that it combines an elliptical trainer and a recumbent bike into one sleek design is a game-changer. Switching between the two modes is super easy, and the transition is smooth, making my workouts seamless and efficient.

As for its construction, I’m quite impressed with how solidly built the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is. The materials used seem to be of high quality, giving it a sturdy and durable feel. I’ve been using it for a few months now, and it still feels just as stable as the day I got it.
Usage and Ergonomics
Moving it around the room is surprisingly hassle-free too. The Hybrid Trainer is equipped with transport wheels, making it a breeze to relocate whenever I need to free up some space or simply change up my workout environment. I’m not the strongest person, but even I can handle moving it without much effort.

In terms of ergonomics, ProForm did a great job. The seat on the recumbent bike mode is comfortable and supportive, which is crucial for longer sessions. And when I switch to the elliptical mode, the adjustable stride length allows me to find the perfect fit for my height, making it easier on my joints.


On the ProForm Hybrid Trainer, the manufacturer offers a five-year warranty on the frame and a one-year warranty on parts and labor. This is much more favorable than other brands usually offer.

The return terms are typical, we recommend that you initially consider in detail whether this equipment is suitable, compare it with other analogs and only then make a purchase. Returns may be associated with unwanted shipping costs.

We have studied reviews, surveyed managers of service centers and stores and found no information with complaints about frequent breakdowns of Hybrid Trainer.

What’s not to like?

While the ProForm Hybrid Trainer has many advantages, it’s essential to consider its potential drawbacks as well:

  • iFit Dependency: One major disadvantage is the machine’s heavy reliance on the iFit fitness platform. Without an iFit subscription, some users have reported limitations in accessing built-in workout programs, making the Hybrid Trainer less functional without this additional cost.
  • Lack of Built-in Programs: Unlike previous versions, the latest iteration of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer XT lacks built-in workout programs on the console. This means users might have to rely solely on iFit for workout variety, which could be disappointing for those who prefer not to subscribe to additional services.
  • Limited Console Features: Some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the console’s functionality, stating that it lacks certain essential features commonly found in higher-end fitness machines.
  • Space Requirements: Although marketed as a space-saving fitness machine, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer’s footprint may still be substantial for individuals with very limited workout areas.

It’s important to note that experiences can vary from one user to another, and while these disadvantages exist, many individuals still find the ProForm Hybrid Trainer to be a valuable fitness machine that meets their needs and preferences. Before making a decision, it’s recommended to thoroughly research and consider both the advantages and disadvantages to determine if the ProForm Hybrid Trainer aligns with your fitness goals and requirements.

FAQ and Answers

Is ProForm a good brand for elliptical?

The brand has been on the market for a long time and produces quite reliable fitness equipment. Before preparing the review, we gathered the opinions of industry experts and received positive feedback on the overall assessment of their products. Most of the specialists and owners of ProForm equipment spoke positively.

How does the ProForm hybrid trainer work?

It is a multifunctional cardio machine that combines an elliptical trainer and a bicycle. You get the opportunity to train in two different basic modes. This equipment would not be optimal for big fitness centers, where the visitor wants to come and start training. But it will be a good solution for training at home.

Would it be comfortable enough to use it versus individual machines?

The workouts are comfortable enough. For this purpose, there is the possibility to set the seat in the desired position, which is quick and easy. There are 3 pairs of handles for different positions during exercise. The non-slip pedals also make you feel confident. You need almost half as much space to place your equipment. We see more benefits to using the hybrid.


The ProForm Hybrid Trainer is a versatile and space-saving fitness machine that combines the features of an elliptical trainer and a recumbent bike. This 2-in-1 design allows users to switch between low-impact, full-body elliptical workouts and comfortable cycling sessions, catering to various fitness preferences and levels. The machine offers adjustable stride length in the elliptical mode, ensuring a personalized and effective workout experience.

With a focus on cardiovascular endurance and targeting major muscle groups, including the legs, upper body, and core, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer provides a comprehensive and efficient workout.

Additionally, the interactive console and compatibility with iFit offer access to a wide range of trainer-led workouts and fitness challenges, adding motivation and excitement to workouts. With its solid build, ease of movement, and ergonomic design, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is an excellent choice for individuals seeking an all-in-one fitness solution for their home gym.

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