Best Elliptical Under 700 for Home Gym in 2023

Are you in search of a reliable and effective home workout solution that won’t break the bank? Look no further than the world of elliptical machines. These versatile and low-impact exercise devices provide a full-body workout, combining the benefits of cardio and strength training, all within the comfort of your own home. If you’re on a budget and want to invest in a high-quality elliptical without spending a fortune, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll explore the Best Elliptical Under 700, offering a perfect balance between affordability and performance.

When it comes to selecting an elliptical machine, it’s essential to consider several factors such as build quality, features, and overall functionality. With numerous options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect match for your needs. However, we’ve done the research for you and narrowed down the choices to present the top ellipticals that provide exceptional value within the $700 price range.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast seeking an alternative to costly gym memberships or a beginner looking to kick-start your fitness journey, we’ve got you covered. In the following sections, we’ll delve into the standout features, performance capabilities, and user reviews of the best elliptical under 700 dollars. Get ready to make an informed decision and bring the power of a gym-quality workout into your home without breaking your budget.

TOP 5 Best Elliptical Machine Under $700

When choosing an elliptical machine, it is important to consider your individual needs and fitness goals. If you are looking for a cardio machine that is easy to use and provides a low-impact workout, then any of the elliptical machines on this list would be a good option.
Here is a more detailed overview of each elliptical machine on the list:

1. Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Elliptical Trainer

The Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Machine is a budget-friendly that offers a decent workout experience for home fitness enthusiasts. Priced under $700, this elliptical machine packs several advantages while making a few compromises along the way.

Author’s choice
Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine
Sunny Health & Fitness Smart Ellitpical
  • SunnyFit APP;
  • Weight Capacity 330 lbs;
  • 100+ workout videos;
  • 24 Built-In Programs
  • 16 levels of programmable magnetic resistance ;

One of the standout advantages of the SF-E3912SMART is its sturdy construction. The machine is built with a solid steel frame, providing stability and durability during intense workouts. Additionally, it boasts a compact design, making it suitable for users with limited space. The magnetic resistance system offers a smooth and quiet operation, ensuring a hassle-free workout experience without disturbing others in your household.

This equipment can be used by users weighing up to 330 lbs. This load capacity is not only supported by the sturdy frame, but has also been taken into account in the design of all other major components. So if you are significantly overweight and have a modest budget, this model is one of the most effective solutions.

A state-of-the-art monitoring system allows you to train at your optimum setting and burn calories efficiently. Track your distance run, heart rate, training time, speed and calories burned. The Sunny Health & Fitness SunnyFit APP makes it easy to start training. The training videos allow you to create a workout program based on your goals.

  • SunnyFit App Compatible
  • Convenient use at home
  • Monitoring your condition
  • 16 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Smart approach to training
  • For high 15.5-inch stride may not be enough

Overall, the Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine is a great option for those who are looking for an affordable, easy-to-use, and comfortable elliptical machine. It is suitable for users of all fitness levels and is backed by a one-year warranty. However, it is not as advanced or as quiet as some other elliptical machines on the market. It is also not as portable.

2. ProForm Hybrid Exercise Machine

The ProForm Hybrid Trainer is a versatile fitness machine that combines the benefits of an elliptical trainer and a recumbent bike into a single piece of equipment. This hybrid design offers users the flexibility to switch between low-impact cardio exercises and a comfortable seated workout. The main features of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer make it a popular choice for those looking for variety and convenience in their fitness routines.

ProForm Hybrid Trainer
ProForm Hybrid Trainer (PFEL03721)
  • 30-day, full-access membership to iFIT;
  • Weight Capacity 250 lbs;
  • Stride Length: 15 inches;
  • 16 Resistance Levels;

One of the standout features of the ProForm Hybrid Trainer is its adjustable stride length. Users can modify the stride length to accommodate their height and stride preferences, ensuring a comfortable and personalized workout experience. Additionally, the machine offers a variety of resistance levels, allowing individuals to customize the intensity of their workouts and gradually increase their fitness level over time.

The ProForm Hybrid Trainer is equipped with a user-friendly console that provides access to a range of workout programs. These programs are designed to target specific fitness goals, including weight loss, endurance training, and interval workouts. The console also features a built-in heart rate monitor, enabling users to track their heart rate and optimize their workouts for maximum efficiency.

Moreover, the ProForm Hybrid Trainer comes with other convenient features such as a media shelf, where users can place their tablets or smartphones to enjoy entertainment during their workouts. It also has a water bottle holder for easy access to hydration throughout the session. The machine’s sturdy construction and compact design make it suitable for home use, even in limited spaces.

  • 16 levels of resistance
  • 10 pre-programmed workouts
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Adjustable stride length
  • Built-in fan and speakers
  • Device holder
  • The ProForm Hybrid Trainer can be a bit noisy, especial
  • Not as portable as some other elliptical machines.

3. Horizon 7.0 AE Fitness Machine

As a user of the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical, I have been thoroughly impressed with its performance and features. Right from the moment I stepped onto this cardio machine, I could feel the smooth and fluid motion of the foot pedal pedal, thanks to its advanced flywheel technology. The elliptical’s stride length feels just right, providing a comfortable and natural range of motion that suits my height perfectly.

Cross Trainer
Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Trainer
Horizon Elliptical
  • LED, 7″ LCD Screen;
  • Weight Capacity 325 lbs;
  • Incline Range 20 Levels;
  • 20 Resistance Levels;

One of the standout features of the Horizon 7.0 AE is its extensive range of workout programs. I can choose from a variety of options, including interval training, weight loss, and customizable programs. These programs keep me motivated and challenged, allowing me to achieve my fitness goals effectively. Additionally, the machine’s resistance levels are easily adjustable, enabling me to fine-tune the intensity of my workouts and push myself further as I progress.

The Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical also comes equipped with a user-friendly console that displays all the essential workout data, such as time, distance, calories burned, and heart rate. The console is easy to navigate, and the controls are conveniently placed, allowing me to make adjustments on the go without interrupting my workout flow. The elliptical’s built-in heart rate sensors and compatibility with wireless heart rate monitors provide accurate monitoring, helping me maintain my target heart rate zone for optimal cardio training.

  • Sturdy Build
  • Adjustable Stride Length
  • Multiple Resistance Levels
  • Varied Workout Programs
  • Built-in Heart Rate Monitoring
  • Assembly Complexity
  • Limited Console Features

Overall, the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical is a great option for those who are looking for a low-impact, full-body workout at home. It is suitable for users of all fitness levels and is backed by a one-year warranty. However, it is not as advanced or as quiet as some other machines on the market. It is also not as portable.

4. Body Rider Compact Seated Elliptical Machine

The Body Rider 2 in 1 Elliptical is a compact and affordable exercise machine designed for home workouts. It offers a combination of elliptical and upright bike functionalities, providing users with a versatile and space-saving option. The design features dual-action handlebars that allow for both upper and lower body workouts, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Body Rider
Body Rider Elliptical
  • 2-In-1 Trainer;
  • Maximum User Weight 250 lbs;
  • 8 levels of resistance;
  • 4 Integrated Handlebars;

In terms of suitability for working out at home, the Body Rider Elliptical Machine and Stationary Bike is an excellent choice. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to accommodate in smaller living spaces or home gyms with limited room. The machine is also equipped with transport wheels, enabling effortless movement and storage when not in use.

Furthermore, the Body Rider Elliptical is relatively quiet during operation, allowing you to work out without disturbing other household members. The adjustable resistance levels allow for customization based on your fitness level and desired intensity. Although it may lack some advanced features found in larger, more expensive machines, it provides a solid cardiovascular workout and helps burn calories effectively.

  • 8 levels of resistance
  • 2 workout programs
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Adjustable stride length
  • Adjustable handlebars and foot pedals
  • Build quality: As a budget-friendly option
  • Lack of incline adjustment

Overall, the Body Rider Machine is a suitable piece of equipment for home workouts. Its compact size, versatility, and affordability make it a practical choice for individuals looking to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into their daily routine without sacrificing too much space. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate fitness enthusiast, this elliptical can provide an efficient and convenient workout option in the comfort of your own home.

5. Niceday Elliptical Workout Machine

The Niceday Elliptical Trainer is an impressive fitness machine that boasts several features designed to provide an effective and enjoyable workout experience. With its user-friendly design and advanced technology, it caters to both beginners and seasoned exercisers alike.

Best 2-in-1
Niceday Machine
Niceday CT11
  • Hyper-Quiet Magnetic Driving System;
  • 16 Resistance Levels;
  • 400LB Weight Limit;
  • Extra Stability;

One of the standout features of the Niceday Elliptical is its Hyper-Quiet Magnetic Drive System. Thanks to the latest magnetic technology, this elliptical operates smoothly and quietly, generating only 20 decibels of noise even after extensive use. This makes it an excellent choice for home use, as it won’t disturb other household members while working, reading, or sleeping.

The machine’s 16LB Flywheel with 16 Resistance Levels is another highlight. This allows users to adjust the resistance according to their fitness level and exercise goals. Whether you are a novice or a fitness enthusiast, you can find the right intensity for an efficient workout. The absence of electrical sources further enhances its convenience, as you don’t need to worry about power outlets or cables.

The Niceday Elliptical stands out in terms of durability and stability as well. With a weight capacity of 400 pounds, it accommodates a wide range of users. Its main frame is constructed from extra-thicken commercial steel, providing exceptional sturdiness and longevity, making it ideal for long-term exercise plans.

For those who value accurate workout data, the digital monitor displays essential metrics such as TIME, SPEED, DISTANCE, CALORIES, and PULSE. These precisely calculated data points serve as valuable references to help users track their progress and tailor their exercise routine accordingly.

  • Heavy-Duty constructions 400 lbs Capacity
  • 16 Magnetic Resistance
  • Transportation wheels
  • Pulse monitor
  • 90% pre-built design
  • Takes up a lot of space

In conclusion, the Niceday Elliptical Machine is a well-rounded fitness equipment offering an effective and quiet workout experience. Its smooth operation, multiple resistance levels, high weight capacity, stability features, and accurate data tracking make it a compelling choice for home exercisers seeking a reliable and versatile elliptical machine.

Buyer’s Guide

Here are some tips on how to choose a budget elliptical machine for home use:

  • Consider your budget. Elliptical machines can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. It’s important to set a budget before you start shopping so that you don’t overspend.
  • Think about your fitness goals. What are you hoping to achieve with your workouts? If you’re just looking for a low-impact way to get some exercise, then a basic elliptical machine will be sufficient. However, if you’re looking to get a more intense workout, then you’ll need an elliptical machine with more features, such as adjustable resistance and stride length.
  • Measure your space. Equipment can be quite large, so it’s important to measure the space you have available before you buy one. You don’t want to end up with an elliptical that’s too big for your home.
  • Read reviews. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, read online reviews to see what other people have to say about the machines you’re considering. This can help you get a better idea of which machine is right for you.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing a budget elliptical machine:

  • Stride length. The stride length is the distance between the pedals, and it’s important to choose an elliptical machine with a stride length that’s comfortable for you. If you’re tall, you’ll need an elliptical machine with a longer stride length.
  • Resistance levels. The resistance levels control how hard the elliptical is to pedal. If you’re just starting out, you’ll want an elliptical machine with a variety of resistance levels so that you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.
  • Weight capacity. The weight capacity is the maximum weight that the elliptical machine can support. If you’re a heavier person, you’ll need to choose an elliptical machine with a higher weight capacity.
  • Features. Some elliptical machines come with additional features, such as built-in speakers, fans, and heart rate monitors. These features can add to the cost of the machine, so decide which features are important to you before you start shopping.

By following these tips, you can choose a budget elliptical machine that meets your needs and budget.


What is the best brand of elliptical?

Determining the best brand of elliptical depends on factors such as quality, features, and personal preferences. Several reputable brands have established themselves in the marketplace. NordicTrack and ProForm are often favored for their innovation, advanced features, and durability. They offer a range of models with adjustable resistance, incline settings, and interactive workout options.

Precor and Life Fitness are also respected brands known for their commercial-grade ellipticals, which often translate into high-quality home options. These brands emphasize biomechanics and ergonomic design, providing a more authentic elliptical experience. Ultimately, the “best” elliptical brand depends on your fitness goals, budget and desired features. Researching customer reviews, considering brand reputation, and evaluating the features that match your fitness needs will help you make an informed decision.

Is using an elliptical as good as walking?

Using an elliptical and walking both offer cardiovascular benefits, but they have distinct differences. An elliptical provides a low-impact workout that can be gentler on joints, making it an excellent option for individuals with joint issues or those seeking to minimize impact. It also engages both the upper and lower body, offering a more comprehensive workout that targets various muscle groups simultaneously. Additionally, ellipticals often come with adjustable resistance and incline settings, allowing for greater customization of workout intensity.

On the other hand, walking is a natural, weight-bearing activity that can be performed anywhere without the need for specialized equipment. It provides a simple and effective way to improve cardiovascular health and strengthen leg muscles. Walking also offers benefits beyond fitness, such as fresh air and the opportunity to explore your surroundings.

Whether an elliptical is as good as walking depends on your specific goals and physical condition. If you’re aiming for a low-impact, full-body workout with adjustable intensity, an elliptical can be an excellent choice. However, if you prefer a simple, accessible activity that you can integrate into your daily routine, walking remains a valuable option. It’s a good idea to consult a fitness professional to determine which activity aligns better with your fitness objectives and any physical limitations you might have.

How much should I spend on an elliptical?

Determining how much to spend on an elliptical depends on your fitness goals, budget, and desired features. If you have specific fitness goals and plan to use the elliptical frequently, it may be worthwhile to invest in a higher-priced model with advanced features and durability. On the other hand, if you’re looking for an occasional workout, a more budget-friendly option might suffice, even if it lacks certain features.

Consider quality, features, and brand reputation when making your decision. Cheaper models may compromise on durability and features, which could lead to maintenance issues or a shorter lifespan. Reputable brands often offer better warranties and customer service. Prioritize features based on your fitness goals and, if possible, try different models before purchasing. Remember, an elliptical is an investment in your health, so balancing quality, features, and budget is key to making the right choice for your fitness journey.

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